Workshops & Training


Our Introduction to Insider Risk e-learning is designed to equip team-leaders and employees with the vital skills to understand and identify insider risk. Over a focused 20-minute session, our e-learning leverages the Critical Pathway to Insider Risk, to enhance the detection and awareness of behavioural risk signals. Following an example case, the e-learning explores factors leading to incidents, providing participants tangible insights and strategies to mitigate insider risk.

How We Can Help.

This course promotes a security-conscious culture, empowering everyone within your organisation to contribute to identifying and addressing concerning behaviours and potential insider threats.

    • Detect early warning signals indicating imminent incidents.
    • Evaluate the impact of organisational responses.
    • Prevent insider risk from unfolding in your organisation.

Looking for something advanced?

Check out our Insider Risk Management Training

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Introduction to insider risk e-learning

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Trusted By

Our Workshops and Training have been trusted by leading organisations, now empowered to enhance their insider risk management efforts.

Content Overview.

One building block with several objectives to build basic understanding of Insider Risk.

Block 1.

The course is composed of an introduction, a step-by-step case study, a theory, a wrap-up video, and optional additional cases to study for further depth of understanding. Interactivity is facilitated through multiple-choice questions, and the training can be completed at your own pace on our online learning platform.

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